My first project has been dabbling in creating my raspberry pi into a webserver. Right now I’ve been following the instructions found on this website.

How to set up a Raspberry Pi Webserver

I did have to research how to install the Debian(Wheezy) iso to the SD card using the following steps:

  • MacOS or *Nix
  • Insert SD card into SD slot
  • Identify what disk your SD card is In terminal run “diskutil list”
  • ex: disk2
  • Unmount the SD card by entering “diskutil unmountDisk /dev/”disk#”
  • ex: diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
  • Burn image to SD card by entering “sudo dd bs=1m if=”image path.img” of=/dev/”disk#”
  • ex: sudo dd bs=1m if=”/Downloads/2012-12-16-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/disk2

It will look like your terminal has frozen and nothing will be displayed. This takes a bit. Leave it be, once terminal pops up with a new line on the prompt you’re done and ready to put the SD card into your raspberry pi.  Follow the remaining steps outlined in the above hosted link and you should have your first webserver ready to be interacted with on your internal network.

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